
Resource Centre » Business » Ghana’s debt stock hits GHC336 billion; debt-to-GDP ratio now 76.4 per cent – BoG

Ghana’s debt stock hits GHC336 billion; debt-to-GDP ratio now 76.4 per cent – BoG

Ghana’s debt stock hits GHC336 billion; debt-to-GDP ratio now 76.4 per cent – BoG

September 28, 2021 at 9:27 AM

Latest figures released by the Bank of Ghana indicate that in two months, the country’s public debt stock has increased by GH¢3.5 billion.By this, Ghana’s total public debt stock increased from about GH¢332 billion in May 2021 to about GHC336 billion in July 2021.According to the latest Bank of Ghana’s Summary of Macroeconomic and Financial Data, the new debt figure of about GH¢336 billion brings Ghana’s debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio to 76.4% as of the end of July 2021.

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