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Allianz Trade & Inclusive Brains join forces to foster the inclusion of people with disabilities ...

Allianz Trade & Inclusive Brains join forces to foster the inclusion of people with disabilities ...

May 8, 2024 at 2:12 PM

Allianz Trade, the world's leading trade credit insurer and Inclusive Brains, a French start-up developing a new generation of neural interfaces powered by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), have partnered to develop Prometheus, a new kind of brain-machine interface that transforms diverse neurophysiological data (brainwaves, heart activity, facial expressions, eye-movements) into mental commands. The goal of this innovative assistive technology is to help individuals who can no longer use their hands or speak to operate workstations, connected objects and to navigate digital environments without the need to type on a keyboard, to touch a screen, or to use vocal commands. Eventually, the Allianz Trade and Inclusive Brains partnership will accelerate the development of AI-powered assistive solutions that give people with disabilities more autonomy and facilitate their access to education and to the workforce.

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